Thursday, May 26, 2022

Why is my orchid drying buds: 9 reasons why orchids lose buds and flowers

Hi, guys! Everything is perfect in the orchid. This plant has beautiful leaves and even roots. However, many growers cultivate this miracle of nature in order to admire its magical flowers. For months we water, fertilize and transplant our green treasures. And finally, the long-awaited buds appear on them. We count the days until the first flower blooms. But suddenly the buds begin to fall off. Is this situation familiar to you? Unfortunately, bud loss is often seen in indoor orchids. Today I'd like to tell you about Why is my orchid drying buds. We will discuss with you 9 common reasons why orchids lose buds and flowers. (I'll also show you photos of my Phalaenopsises, Dendrobium Nobile and Howeara).
Why is my orchid drying buds
Why is a orchid drying buds


1. Dry air.
The most elementary: green "butterflies" lose their juices because they do not have enough moisture. Most often this happens due to dry indoor air. In order for the buds to bloom, it is necessary to increase the humidity in the atmosphere. 
Get humidifiers, spray the area around the orchids, stir the flowers as far away from them as possible during the heating systems.
Why orchids lose buds and flowers
My Dendrobium

2. Lack of light
Most often, orchids shed their buds in late autumn and winter, when insolation is reduced. In order to observe a flower garden on the windowsill, during this period, your favourite Phalaenopsis and other orchids must be illuminated.

3. Lack of fertilizer
Flowering is a test for every houseplant. The plant needs a lot of energy to bear this burden. If the inhabitant of the flowerpot is weakened, he can drop and dry out what hinders him. That is, he can drop the buds. This also applies to royal orchids. This is why Phalaenopsis and Dendrobiums need to be fed regularly with orchid fertilizer.
My Phalaenopsis


4. Drafts.
Our greenhouse creatures can't stand them. From gusts of icy wind, these sissies can die. Therefore, home orchids should be protected from drafts.

5. Stuffiness.
But there is a diametrically opposite reason the lack of air flow. In fact, orchids need a breath of wind. But wind must be warm. Avid orchidists blow their green collections with a fan.

6. Hypothermia.
In winter, the orchid touches of the cold window glass, blows on it from the cracks of the window sill. All this can be fatal for your plant. And, of course, you will not wait for flowers from her. She would survive in such harsh conditions! In the autumn-winter season, carefully choose a location for this majestic person.
My Howeara

Another reason for hypothermia is when, after watering with warm water, a representative of the orchid family is immediately placed on the window. Even if nothing blows on the flower, it can react to temperature differences. After I take out my Phalaenopsis, Dendrobium and Howeara from the container in winter, I let them settle in a warm place. And only after a few often I put them back on the windowsill.
7. Too young plant.
Orchid keiki can dry the buds, because she still does not have enough strength to bloom. In this case, do not rush things let your treasure grow up.
My Phalaenopsis Manhattan


8. Plant pests.

Another reason for the loss of buds is the appearance of insects on the orchid. Sometimes from the outside it's so easy to find out. This is especially true of such the smallest dirty trick as thrips. They are practically invisible. Especially on cloudy winter and autumn days, when the lighting is weak. And these hordes suck the juices of our green friends to the fullest. 
If you find plant pests on your favourite orchid, start pest control. I personally use special pest control sticks. These sticks need to be inserted directly into the soil for orchids.

9. Irrigation deficit.
And finally, last but not least, the reason is the lack of watering. Of course, orchids do not require frequent irrigation. But still, these plants should not be left without water. As a rule, I personally water my Phalaenopsis and other orchids once a week.
Here are the main reasons why orchids can dry buds and flowers.
Have you encountered such a problem? How did you save your flower? Tell us about it in the comments. Your opinion is very important to me.


  1. I also love plants and are green friends for me :) I live in a fairly polluted city, so the more natural filters at home, the better. Orchids are beautiful plants, although they are not easy to grow. The use of specialized fertilizers is very helpful. Great text! I will be visiting you :)

  2. Já seguindo este seu blog, que vou adorar acompanhar, Victoria!
    Estimo que se encontre bem, assim como todos os seus! Adorei voltar a ter notícias suas!!!
    Beijinhos! Votos de tudo a correr pelo melhor!

  3. Your orchids are beautiful! I had one once, but sadly it died immediately. Your tips would've come in handy! :)

  4. Orchids are lovely flowers as they are so different from others. They last a long time too for months sometimes. Orchids are so common here indoors and outdoors but like your post says, they are not easy to maintain. Overwatering is my main problem, orchids do not need watering everyday!!

  5. I'm your new follower :) (8th follower)

  6. Great post 😊 This plant is beautiful 😊

  7. Passando a deixar um beijinho, bem como votos de um feliz domingo, e continuação de um excelente e florido mês de Junho, com saúde! Tudo de bom!
