Sunday, May 15, 2016

A Peanut cactus care: how to grow Chamaecereus silvestrii (Echinopsis chamaecereus) indoor

Chamaecereus silvestrii (Echinopsis chamaecereus, Lobivia silvestrii) also known as a Peanut cactus. This prickly friend has got conflict-free temper. He adapts to home conditions very easy. Lately my Camaecereus silvestrii made me happy with wonderful flowering. Today I'd like to tell you about a Peanut cactus care. I'm going to write how I grow my Echinopsis chamaecereus indoor. First of all let me show you a couple of photos:

My Peanut cactus is flowering
 ...And a pic with Pegasus:

Chamaecereus silvestrii
Growing a Peanut cactus indoor is not a big deal. I locate this cactus on a sunny place at my windowsill. In Spring and in Summer I water the plant once a week. In Fall and in Winter I cultivate my
Echinopsis chamaecereus with temperature 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius).
Echinopsis chamaecereus (Lobivia silvestrii)
The houseplant locates near a window. Near my windows temperature is colder than near radiators because my windowsills is very wide. Also in cool seasons I water my Peanut cactus only once a month.

Usually Chamaecereus silvestrii flowers in Spring. The flowers live 2-3 days and then fade. (As a rule, the plant blooms indoor in the morning). This year my Peanut cactus flowered in May 11. And he had been blooming for 2 days. 

I adore the red-orange flowers. I hope you enjoy the flowering as well.


  1. During winter my same plant going red ???pl plea tell me about

    1. Hi, dear! My cactus flower in spring. In winter the plant “sleeps” )))
