Sunday, September 7, 2014

Murraya paniculata (Orange Jessamine) care secrets

Hi! I would like to devote this post to my lovely houseplant. It's Murraya paniculata or Orange Jessamine. This green person known as Japanese emperor tree. My Orange Jessamine makes me glad and... feeds me. Don't you believe me? Follow me!

Murraya paniculata
The Murraya blossom

This elegant sapling has fragrant flowers and very testy fruits. (The flowers has a perceptible jessamine aroma with a subtle nuance of a lemon). So, these tiny fruits look like berries. However, it is not the most important thing. 

Japanese emperor tree or Orange Jessamine

Japanese emperor tree is a quite unpretentious houseplant. It doesn't require pruning and pollinating for fruiting. My green lady is a stoic. This small tree has resistance to plant pests. So, its branches are able to bloom and to fruit all year round. Would you like to find out anything more about it? 

 Murraya care secrets

The Fruit garden on my windowsill
 1. Give it more sunshine! Of course, m. paniculata can be cultivated in the shade. But it needs to be a good light for fruiting. However, this green person doesn't accept direct sunlight! It needs  little shade in this case.
When I located my favorite plant near the west-facing window, I achieved the best result of Orange Jessamine growth.

My green lady
2. Let it hover! Please, don't put the collar of Japanese emperor tree too deep in the soil. The upper part of the root system must be located outside like roots of a bonsai. It looks like the tree to hovering over the soil. This method of planting keeps roots from rotting. I have learned this information from a expert horticulturalist. Unfortunately, many trees die because of a incorrect way of planting.

3. Protect roots! This plant has a fragile root system. Please, do a relocate by a transposition method. (I mean a relocate without destructing of a clod).

The roots of this fruit plant are long. Therefore this green person usually requires an elongated flowerpot.

4. Give some damp! Orange Jessamine needs humid air. This green lady will be grateful for regular spraying.

My secret. I use to arrange a warm shower for my beautiful plant once a month. I carry the sapling to my bathroom and spray it with warm water. Firstly, this procedure is a good method for cleaning. Secondly, it's a universal mode of training for many houseplants.

Extra necessary conditions for Murraya cultivation:

a) room temperature;

b) regular watering;

c) draught protect;

d) love :)

This plant can be propagated from seeds quite easily. By the way, I have a few Orange Jessamines at my house. It's a real Murraya garden on a windowsill!


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